Director Update

I am constantly amazed to see how God is working here at camp.

We are focusing on serving Christ and His Church and seeking to glorify Christ in all that we do as well as using all of our available resources towards that goal. Here are a few updates:

Summer 2024:

We are looking forward to an amazing summer here at camp, with some of the largest weeks we’ve ever seen.  We’re taking steps to prepare for our incoming guests with some ongoing projects as well as increasing our bed count and setting up some temporary bleachers in the Outdoor Chapel upper deck area to be able to share the Gospel with more campers each week until we’re able to expand that space in 2025.  Please continue to pray that we will be able to boldly proclaim Christ to a world that desperately needs it.

Ongoing Projects:

We are also pleased with the progress of several ongoing campus improvements in 2024.  The best resource for seeing what projects we’re focusing on each month is to visit our Special Projects page, which will update regularly. We’re focusing on micro-projects so that you can get involved with those short-term projects that might interest you or your family. We still have long-term projects we’re working towards, but we’re also making more projects available that everyone can help out with.

The Gospel:

If you do not know Christ as your personal Savior, I invite you to learn more by visiting our Gospel Page and getting plugged into a local church. While we love serving you here at camp, discipleship happens at your local church and it makes a huge difference in your walk when you are gathering regularly with other believers. For those continuing in their walks, we also have Bible Resources available to help spur on the study of God’s Word.


Please keep Hartland and our staff in your prayers as we work diligently to serve well. Our staff consists of a local body of believers who share in the desire to serve other churches well. We live and serve together here at camp and fellowship with our home churches down the mountain as often as we’re able.

In service to Christ and His Church,

Joshua Embry

Executive Director/Steward – Hartland Christian Camp

Last updated 6/21/2024