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Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Attending Church Name (your church must be attending this event)
Submitter Name (this request must be initially approved for submission by the church directly)
If submitting for someone other than yourself, you are required to get the verbal acknowledgement from each guest to ensure they understand and agree to the terms included on this form. If your church does not authorize you being on site, neither will Hartland, we will verify eligibility with the church during our review process.
Submitter Phone
In case we have any additional questions
Name and Date of Hartland Event (example Jr Summer Camp #1 2024)
Senior Pastor/Youth Pastor/Youth Director Name (This is not for campers, helpers, or parents)
Please note, this form is not for random day-visitors, this is for the primary ministry leader: Senior Pastor, Youth Pastor, Youth Director (and their spouse) for the purpose of encouraging/managing/counseling their youth. This is not for lay-leaders or parents of attending campers that "help" in the youth group, etc. Please note, the second guest is held to the same requirement standards as the first guest, the one exception being the spouse. Minors are not eligible for this (you cannot bring your child).
Date of Birth (required for background checks)
Attending Pastor/Youth Pastor/Youth Director Email
Spouse or Second Pastor/Director Name
There is a maximum of 2 total authorized guests to be on site (either 2 Pastors or a Pastor and their spouse). Please note, the second guest is held to the same requirement standards as the first guest, the one exception being the spouse. Minors are not eligible for this (you cannot bring your child).
Date of Birth of 2nd person (required for background checks) (copy)
2nd Attending Pastor/Youth Pastor/Youth Director Email
I understand that this is a request form and submitting it does not mean I have been authorized to access the Hartland Campus. Hartland maintains a closed campus and restricts access to only those authorized registered campers, staff, and those who have been approved for the purpose of serving our guests while preserving their safety. I also understand any additional guests will be turned away and denied entry to the campus for the same reason. Please note, California regulates youth-serving-organizations and has greater restrictions for organized youth camps. I also attest that myself and any listed second authorized user have been livescanned by our local church, completed any mandatory reporter training, are in compliance with AB-506, and are legally able to be around minors. I/we further authorize Hartland to conduct a background check to verify our eligibility to be around minors. I/we also understand that registered sex offenders are not permitted on our campus.
I/we understand and agree
Restricted Access - I, and any authorized second guest, understand that this day-use authorization is for restricted access. Campus access is limited to 8am-6pm, and under no circumstances are we allowed to enter camper sleeping areas - which include the general vicinity around those same sleeping areas. You agree that the purpose of you entering the campus is to minister to your attending church campers and to offer encouragement and advice to your church counselors and leaders who are on site. Registered youth campers and counselors are to receive preference in all things - meaning you will give up your seat at chapel or at a meal to make room/space for registered campers. Our focus at camp is to serve our campers first and foremost. I, and any authorized second guest, agree to abide by all of Hartlands policies, either written, posted, or verbally relayed by Hartland staff. I understand that I will be asked to leave the campus if I am found to be out of compliance with any of these policies or the limited scope of my campus access. I also agree that I have shared these requirements with any second guest, that they also authorize a background check, and that we will check in at the front office immediately upon arrival.
I/we understand and agree
Name Badge Requirement - I understand and agree to wear my issued name badge, which shows that I am authorized to be on the campus and also alerts staff to our limited access to the campus. I understand that if I fail to clearly display my name badge at all times that I am in violation of Hartland's policies and will be required to leave the campus.
I agree to wear my name badge and keep it visibile for the entirity of my stay.
Cost for this exception - I understand that each guest (maximum 2) will be billed $50 per person which offsets some of the costs to Hartland for my being on site (insurance, monitoring, etc.) This will be directly invoiced/billed to the church. I also understand that this is limited to one day per event and not available for a second visit to campers/leaders.
I/we understand and agree
For the Church - Please key in any day pass youth pastors under your counselor section of the online registration system, they must complete the same counselor application as your counselors as these questions are required by the state. In the "Cabin" area - type in Day Pass, so our team knows they are not staying overnight.
Okay, we will key them into our online roster as counselors and make the note "Day Pass"